It’s not like I have a lot of choices about where to be at the moment, with rumors floating around that international flights aren’t going to open up until next year! A repatriation flight is looking better and better - but the last couple of weeks, there have been none to even consider!
And with the unrest in the States, I wonder if I am safer here? What a strange conundrum, as South Africa is considered, statistically, to be one of the most dangerous countries in the world!
The virus is, of course, taking its toll here, with cases rising every day. We are currently on Level 3, which has allowed some movement, not much but some. The biggest change is liquor is allowed but now there is the threat over whether to reinstate the ban, as alcohol-related crime and hospitalization is rising.
When Debbie and I heard the rumor yesterday, we both went into panic mode, scheming how to stock up before “They” shut us down! There is a limit on what you are allowed to buy, but we figured we could each buy our limits and then go across the street to a different bottle shop and stock up there! We probably won’t go to that extent today, but probably, as a precautionary measure, get more supplies. This government is very irrational and imposes rules and regulations at the drop of a hat that don’t necessarily make any sense at all.
And that is probably the most frustrating part of this - lack of knowledge about what is happening, just hearing rumors, the lack of transparency and the often obvious cronyism within government. The corruption is so deeply imbedded from the years of Zuma, the ex-president. And in his lackeys who are still in positions of power.
Enjoying Some Freedom
But on the plus side, even though we still aren’t supposed to socialize or see family (you can go to church with 50 other people! How does that rule make sense?) my new walking partner, Gael and I have been walking most mornings, taking all or some of her four dogs. On Sunday, we went on a different path/road that she won’t walk alone, even with the dogs. There’s strength in numbers and we walked the back trails of the training center, which is spectacularly beautiful bush. The zebra and wildebeest were out and they just sort of looked at us and kept grazing.
But, silly me. I always take some form of ID with me, usually tucking my California drivers license in the front pocket of my jeans. And generally check it during the walk, which I did. But when we got back to the car, I realized it wasn’t there and almost went into panic mode! Not so much the fact of losing the damn thing, but the hassles that would ensue, having to replace it here, or go and get a South African one, and not knowing if the licensing department is even open!
With many expletives deleted, we drove the route in Gael’s four-wheel drive, carefully scanning as we went, with no luck. And I had the thought that I am either stupid or losing my mind, that maybe I didn’t actually take it with me! But once home, and checking for it, I knew it was gone. Debbie said, “This is one time you would wish you had lost your mind!”
Next morning, Gael and I and all four dogs went out, retracing our steps the opposite way. Making our way along the tracks through the long grass, ducking under thorny branches, I had pretty much reconciled myself to the fact that it was a gonna. But Gael was adamant, from the start, that we would find it.
And lo and behold! It must have fallen vertically and landed pointing up and as we drove last night, flattened it so when Gael saw it, she went “NO!” Her face was a picture! The car had bent the license over to where only the word “California” was showing above the sand! I wish I had taken a picture of her face and the license!
But what a relief! Needless to say, I won’t be doing that anymore!
It’s early morning here as I write this. It’s pretty chilly out, but clear and sunny so a walk will be good. Then later, off to the bottle store, finish up on the video of Lucky, the game guard, which has been a challenge as the software has changed since I last used it, write the article to go with the video and work on the underwear site.
A busy day ahead.