Granny Travels — Back to My Roots

Back to My Roots

SA beach

I did it!

It wasn’t something I woke up this morning knowing I was going to do, but when my google alert showed me the airfare had gone down by half, I bit the bullet and booked my one way flight to South Africa.

Even though I have been mulling this over for months, actually DOING it was quite stressful! But the flight is so inexpensive, even with booked seats etc., I figured it was a sign that I needed to get my butt in gear and make a decision.

So now…

I really have to plan out the next few months as my flight leaves on September 29. It’s actually a good flight - 16 hours LAX to Abu Dhabi, a 14 hour layover and then another 8.5 to Jo’burg and another 1.5 hours to Durban. But the layover in Abu Dhabi will be good. My flight gets in around 7:30 pm, I can get a motel room for not much and actually get a good night’s sleep before the flight south at 10 the next morning. I think it will really help with the jet lag.

Once I get there, I will go to Mick in Ashburton and from there, figure out the living arrangements which I expect will be in Durban where I’m hoping to share a place with a friend from school. And if that doesn’t work out, with the exchange rate as it is, I can actually find a small place on my own.

But that’s all down the line.

The next four months need careful planning. I have stuff in Washington to sort through plus a house sit and I will go to Montana at some stage as I must see Cody and the little boys before I go. And I need to get any medical stuff handled here. Not that I have anything pressing but rather precautionary as the medical situation in South Africa is not what it used to be!

Plus I need to keep the online sites going - and now I am so grateful that I am not technologically impaired and can work wherever I am in the world.

And I will have to sell my car, which is sad but I don’t think I’ll have a problem doing that as it was a good deal when I got it and it is such a good car!

So many things to think about! I think I better get myself a day planner!
