There is no escaping election bullshit
Here I am on the other side of the world, and just getting bombarded with the election BS. I have been trying to avoid the majority of the news, but it’s not easy. And it’s terrifying to even think that that man can get in for another four years. It absolutely blows my mind that anybody wants to vote for the him. To me, he is the epitome of evil.
I voted remotely, I think it was three weeks ago and I know the majority of my friends in the States have also voted early. So we can only hope. I hope that people come to their senses and vote the right way to get somebody with some common sense into the leader ship role. Because right now, the country it’s like a rudderless boat heading onto the rocks, with the skipper sitting on the transom jerking off while admiring the view.
It’s heartbreaking seeing what’s happening there with the virus sweeping through the country and I fear for my boys and friends. But know there is nothing that I can do about it.
The numbers here have risen a bit but not drastically and I still am cautious and take precautions. Even though I go out on “adventures,” they are generally outdoors and in a small group. I canceled out on one that I have been looking forward to, but it included too many people and too much time in a confined space. So this weekend, in spite of looking forward to going up to the Drakensberg, I am spending the weekend at home.
I did have a big aha moment this last week. I have always loved the warm weather and have longed to live in a tropical climate where winter is nonexistent. But this week, I went on a walk, could call it a hike I suppose, through the coastal forest, and even though it wasn’t super hot, and we were in the forest so not in the full sun, I had a really bad time with the heat. I know I have to keep hydrated and I had taken two bottles of water with me which I consistently drank over the 2 1/2 hours we were out. But I got lightheaded and felt like I was going to throw up, my face got beetroot red, and I felt pretty much like I did when I went to Cumberland a few weeks ago and was very dehydrated. It was also quite warm then.
So that bit of knowledge about my system as I get older indicates that I have to be a bit more cautious about when I do anything that requires exertion in high temperatures. Getting older sux sometimes.
On a more positive note, I’ve settled into my little place. It’s rather like living on a boat. You have just what you need, and with very little space, keep “stuff” to a minimum! Which suits me just fine. And I’m thinking more and more along the lines of being here 9 months of the year, and 3 in the States. Financially, this is what will work best for me, although missing family and friends is so hard.
Currently I’m keeping busy helping Woza Moya with their website, getting all the Christmas stuff onto the site. It’s really a nice group of people there too, and because it’s volunteer I don’t really feel the pressure to be working at it full-time, so I’m able to continue with the underwear site and anything else I feel like working on or doing.
After being locked down for so long, our school group got together last week for lunch. Not a big group, but it was fun to see them all again. This group was one of the reasons that I initially made the decision to come here a year ago. And through the group I’ve reconnected with a couple of the girls that I actually didn’t have anything to do with that school.
Susie has spent the majority of her life in Italy and also got stuck here. She is the person that I have been kicking around with during the lockdown. She has decided, after much deliberation on her part, motivated by the uptick in cases in Italy recently, to stay until at least the European spring.
Steffi, on the other hand, has lived here all her life but traveled extensively and I really enjoy her company. She is a real live wire. Adventures with Steffi generally revolve around lunch as she has a business she runs. And she knows all the restaurants and the owners, which makes it all a lot more fun.
And so life continues on…