Granny Travels — Enough Already

Enough Already

Love the Giffy murals around here

Love the Giffy murals around here

The initial euphoria of lowered lockdown restrictions has worn off. It didn’t take long as the only change to really have any effect on my life is the ability to go for a walk in the early morning.

The first day it was “FREEDOM” with people out walking and smiling and a generally upbeat attitude was pervasive. The next morning, Saturday, there were less people out and not so many happy “Hi’s” and “Hello’s” called across the empty road. Sunday even fewer and this morning, maybe because the weather has changed and it was chilly and damp, people were going about their business of exercise, heads down and just focused on getting it done.

So now it’s back to survival, with not a lot to look forward to. We’ve been on lockdown now for almost 6 weeks I have no idea when we will go to Level 3 but I am ready to get the hell out of here. It’s miserable being totally on my own, although I talk to Zoze just about every day; Betsy checks in daily as does Ryan and I chat with a variety of others. But it’s not the same as seeing someone in person; to be able to sit and chat with someone. And although I am not talking to myself - yet - that will probably happen.

When I was so isolated in Washington State, at least I had my kitties who were my constant companions. And I talked to them constantly.

My Sketchers covered in burrs

My Sketchers covered in burrs

Every week or so, the US State Department here in SA announces a repatriation flight. I didn’t really look at them seriously before now, but with the situation becoming more difficult for me, I’m a bit more serious about it although I don’t know how it would all work. The latest one leaves in 3 days from Jo’burg. Which means I would have to drive there during this 7 days of freedom travel we’ve been allowed to relocate ourselves. It’s a 7 hour drive from here. Then I don’t actually know where the flight would land, I’m thinking Miami because it’s a South African Airways flight and that’s one of their destinations. But there is minimal information at the moment, even though the flight is just 3 days away. On landing, I would have to go into isolation in a hotel/motel for 14 days, then a flight to Los Angeles, pick up my car and drive to Washington to Jim and Mardelle. That’s a 3 day drive. Not only do not know if I could actually physically handle a week like that, but I also don’t know how much it costs! Another huge factor on my limited budget.

So it most likely means I will be here, in this little flat with a hostile landlord for the duration.


I’ve always been able to keep myself busy, so that isn’t an issue. And I get books from the online library for days when I just want to hide and bury myself in another world. Something I’ve done my whole life. The time disappears and before I know it, we are one day closer to being free, or at least freer so we can at least visit family and friends.

A popular pastime for a lot people is cooking while on lockdown but I’m so sick of my cooking, longing to be out somewhere, anywhere and eating anything I haven’t cooked. Cooking for one has never been my favorite thing to do, anyway. Besides, this flat must have bad cooking juju, because I have killed two soughdough starters!

So I am very grumpy and though I am grateful I’m not out on the street or in one of the the informal settlements in this county, have funds and food which is a lot more than millions have, it doesn’t make daily life and the pervasive loneliness any easier to handle.