Granny Travels — Finding Normal

Finding Normal

The Durban beachfront

The Durban beachfront

Life here is starting to feel more normal, or semi-normal; whatever normal is. People are going back to work after the holidays, schools go back this week. So it feels more like real life. I have avoided going anywhere during this time, if I can possibly help it, because the crowds can be overwhelming and in this country, personal space is unheard of and it makes me feel uncomfortable when I’m being crowded.

Over the last few days as life picks up its pace, I have been quite active after a very sedentary start of the year because of a sale on the website. Sales are extremely time consuming and require me to do a lot of computer work - and that means sitting. With the weather being perfect, and the pool a perfect temperature, I’ve been swimming just about every day, plus joined a local exercise class designed for the over-60 group!

Sand sculptures along the promenade

Sand sculptures along the promenade

An Adventure a Week Keeps the Itchy Feet Under Control

I decided that I am going to do at least one “adventure” each week. And it doesn’t have to be huge. I discovered a site that has a huge variety of places to go and things to do locally. And as it’s a tourist site, the areas and venues have been vetted for safety, so there are places I can go on my own. There are several that I have earmarked including Warwick Markets and the Hare Krishna temple which apparently has beautiful gardens and an inexpensive vegetarian restaurant.

Last week, I connected with Paula at the Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust. Seventeen years ago, I wrote about her for Country Life. She was a teacher at a local school, but was also teaching the local African women fabric painting for a fledgling NGO, whose headquarters were housed in a couple of containers in a local church yard. That NGO blossomed into the Aids Centre, now with its own facility that includes a hospice, craft store, indigenous plant nursery and several other operations, geared towards economic empowerment.

It’s wonderful to see how its expanded and when I offered my time as a volunteer, Paula snagged me to do some writing projects! Of course, I am thrilled as it will get me out and about a lot. I already met a delightful lady artist who is having her first art show at the Centre so did the press release for that. But what I am most excited about is being able to go out into the rural areas with two young, big local men who are interning at the Centre. I will be doing profiles on the (mostly) women who create the beadwork and other crafts which are then sold in the shop. The young men are keen to learn how to do some of the photos and publicity needed, which I will assist them with. And as they are local, I will be safe traveling with them.

Although this is all volunteer, I know I will run into people and situations I can write about and pitch to various outlets.

Blast From the Past

Yesterday, I did another parkrun, this one at North Beach in Durban, my old stomping grounds. I had avoided this one as the average number of participants is 1100+ But Rosemary was doing it so I cadged a ride down from her place with her and friend, as parking there is a bit of a mission.

The course is along the great new promenade that runs right along the beach. It’s a 5k (felt longer) course and starts and ends at the Pirates Lifesaving base. Rosemary and Tony took off, jogging/walking and I walked. I don’t like running! Although there were over a thousand people of all different sizes, shapes and colors, it wasn’t bad at all. Walkers like me start behind the runners who finish in less than half the time it took me to do the whole thing. The only thing I didn’t like is walking that distance on a hard surface and my hips were complaining at the end of it!

It was interesting walking by the old places I used to hang out as a teenager. The salt water pool is looking really good, a pleasure to see as last time I saw it, it was empty. A lot of the places have morphed into different entities but the memories came flooding back and I was glad I wasn’t running and missing out on all the sensations and images that flooded my mind!

Next weekend, I’ll be housesitting for Mick and Debbie while they take a long weekend break. Looking forward to having some kitty love.