Granny Travels — Getting in the Groove

Getting in the Groove

Shongweni Farmers Market
Shongweni Farmers Market

It's taken a few days but I think I am well over jet lag, getting in the groove and starting to feel like I'm living a more or less normal life again.

It is such a pleasure to not have to see or hear any American politics. Every once in a while, there will be a question but generally it's enough to just roll my eyes! And move on to something more interesting and not as stressful.

Like going to the Farmer's Market today. This market was always one I loved to go to when I was living back here 15 years ago. It used to be quite small, set out in a farmer's field and very rough and ready. But always fun and I would get there when it opened at 6 a.m for coffee and a bacon roll! It became quite a tradition, and we would have to make sure we snagged a table right away so we could sit and enjoy breakfast. It was completely open air and weather dependent!

New Farmers Market
New Farmers Market

My, how things have changed! The site was moved to a permanent location and the vendors are all under cover now, with permanent booths. Walking the aisles, we were bombarded by smells of all sorts, wafting through the rather crisp morning air. It was quite amazing, with dozens of food stalls serving up goodies ranging from nuts and dried fruit to biltong, samosas and Belgium chocolate cakes and Danish pastries! There were fresh flowers and vegetables and lots of craft stalls that ranged from the wire bead work to crocheted doilies and hand made soaps.


It's a dog-friendly market and a great assortment of mutts! I didn't hear any kerfuffles so everyone seemed to get along very well. And typically South African, kids running around barefoot!

On the way out, just around 8 a.m, we bought pastries, samosas and nuts and were very grateful we had arrived early, as the aisles were jammed with people, making it difficult to even move! The parking lot was jammed and cars backed up to get in!

Next week, I will rent a car and start doing some distillery visits. I hope the first ones will be Zulu Rum and the Zululand Distilling Company that both produce Rhum Agricole, rum made with sugar cane juice, the Caribbean way!

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