Granny Travels — Keeping my Hand in

Keeping my Hand in


In the Port Townsend Leader this week

Occasionally I write articles for the local paper. It's fun to get out and about, especially when I get to write about things that I care about!

This is the yearly Home & Gardens supplement and Patrick, the editor, asked me to do something on drought and deer resistant gardening. It was rather odd, though, as I trudged through muddy fields and gardens, trying to stay dry,  thinking "drought". And it was almost impossible to find anything flowering that I could use for photos! The red hot pokers shot is from last summer.

But I really enjoyed meeting the garden people - the landscapers, native plant aficionados and growers. My favorite visit was to Far Reaches Farm, a phenomenal plant resource for the area and around the country, as a big part of the business is the mail order side. Can't wait until spring to go for another visit and see all the blooms!

I also did the Dream Kitchens on the next pages, which was fun to do as well. And once again, super nice people.
