Granny Travels — Life on Hold

Life on Hold

My pal, Zoey the Rhodesian Ridgeback

My pal, Zoey the Rhodesian Ridgeback

And it continues…

The infection rate here apparently is going down. Of course, that’s a good thing but one has to wonder how accurate the counts are? We can only hope.

At least - or so They tell us - we should be getting vaccines soon. Again, how much we can believe that, is another story. Supposedly the first plane load arrives tomorrow, Monday, headed for first responders and essential workers. But when the second batch will arrive is a mystery and that is probably the batch that I could possibly, maybe get! It could arrive sometime soon, or more like not for a couple of months. Or maybe never. Who knows, as it’s an unknown where the funds will materialize from to pay for the millions of shots needed.

A couple of months ago, when there looked like absolutely no hope of getting the shot here, I seriously considered going back to California specifically to get a jab. But once again, getting there from here has become a huge issue again, with flights once again limited, so had to backtrack on that idea.

In the meantime, everyone seems to have retreated into their shells/homes. Very few outings or adventures which makes for a boring existence.

Ping in the window

Ping in the window

I have been able to get back to Woza Moya since they came back from the Christmas holidays and have a lot of work I can do on the site. But it means a lot of sedentary work. And the underwear site is very slow over the Chinese New year when everything comes to a complete standstill there. I was going for walks at the local park, but at the moment it is sooo muddy! It’s the rainy season, so hot and muggy and not a pleasant time to go slogging around in the mud.

At the start of the lockdowns in March last year, when there actually appeared to be an end it sight, I felt so much different to the way I feel now. Back then, it was “OK, I’ll learn Spanish on Duolingo. I’ll do some sewing and make a whole new wardrobe. I’ll make sourdough bread. I’ll sort and load all my photos. I’ll get on a really good exercise program.” Hmmmm…

After a few months, motivation went out the window. I have touched Duolingo for months, my fabric is sitting in piles and my batch of sourdough starter was a flop. I have done quite a bit of photo sorting and loading to stock, but sidetracked with memories!

It sounds like I’m whining… and yes I am, a bit. I’m bored and with everyone retreating, it’s pretty lonely. If They lift this current level we are on, maybe people will come out a bit and there can be a bit more socializing - out in the open etc. That will make a huge difference.

It’s so important to have actual face to face interactions. Zoom and Facetime and all the messaging apps are great, I wouldn’t have survived without at least that distant communication. The few times, I’ve actually been in the presence of other people, it was amazing what a difference it made to mood and outlook! And I do acknowledge how lucky I am to be able to get outside and go for walks, when there are so many shut-ins who are really and truly locked down, with no way out and no contact with anyone.

One of the many mommas and her baby sitting on the roof

One of the many mommas and her baby sitting on the roof

My main source of company these days is Zoey, a lovely Rhodesian Ridgeback and Ping the cat. Zoey spends a lot of her time here with me. She’s a very sweet girl but unfortunately has not had a lot of training or I would take her walking with me. But she is great company as is Ping, who visits every morning for a cuddle and then is back again in the evening.

And of course, the monkey troupes come through every few days and they are such a great source of entertainment.