On Sunday night, there was a collective sigh of relief and great rejoicing around the country when the Pres said the booze stores would open on June 1! Of course, there are a lot of caveats around the opening, but at this stage, we all will take what we can get.
Racing to the liquor store….
I’ve been lucky here at Mick and Debbie’s. They both prefer beer and cider so their hidden stash of hard liquor is providing relief as they have run out, after hoarding their few bottles! I even found a bottle of Tapanga Rum I had from 3 years ago. But I measure very carefully, as it would be a crime if we went through all of it before things open up. We haven’t resorted to what a lot of people have been doing - brewing pineapple beer and cider. The price of pineapples went through the roof!
And the second best announcement is that the restrictive “exercise” window will also be gone. So we can “exercise” outside at any time of the day or night - even the nighttime 7pm-5am curfew will be lifted.
We can also look forward to some domestic flights - at some time - which will hopefully, connect to some international flights some time in the future.
So that’s about it here for me.
But in the rest of the country, the people in the rural and informal areas are having an awful time. People are starving, as the supplemental help they are supposed to get is not forthcoming, or is being hijacked by corrupt officials and inept distribution. Malnutrition is appearing in the children and we have no idea when the government will get its shit together to take care of the problems.
The actual pandemic hasn’t - so far - caused as much havoc as was anticipated and the actual death toll is quite low in comparison when measured against the number of cases in the country. But unless a lot more is done, things are going to take a nosedive.
The lockdown has run a lot of businesses into the ground, but I am very happy that despite issues with delayed shipping due to the COVID-19 issues and backlogs because of less transportation, the underwear site is doing well! I’ve been very busy, which is great as all I really have at the moment, is time!
“Most” mornings I walk at Training Center and the photos below (except for the sunset from Mick’s veranda) show what a difference the different light makes - the big, old agave plant looks so different every day.