Granny Travels — Local Tripping: Bainbridge Island

Local Tripping: Bainbridge Island

Last weekend I played tourist on Bainbridge Island, just 45 minutes away. The town of Winslow is the connecting port for the Seattle Ferry, so there is a fair amount of traffic on the main road as people make their way back and forth. A lot of commuters live on the Island, too, avoiding the city hubbub.

I have spent little time there, mostly driving to and from the ferry and visiting a friend who lives there. And once, many many years ago, went to a very larny restaurant there. So it was a real adventure for me and Susan who joined me for the get-out-of-Dodge day.

The first road after we crossed Agate Pass, we went right. And that was it. Blue highways all the way. We ended up driving around the entire island and were amazed at the diversity of the houses. On one lot or parcel, an expansive farm with barns, horses, llamas. On the next, a dilapidated tear down, with moss and trees shrouding it, ancient vehicles rusting back into the earth. Then a brand new Craftsman-style for one of the neo-wealthy, probably a Microsoft employee! And right next to that, perhaps a lovely old Victorian lady all dressed up in pretty colors. It was surprising to see how many homes there are, tucked away in the woods.

As we looped our way around the island, we ducked into coves with docks and amazing views across the inlets. Some looked across the still waters to more houses. From other vantage points, across at the amazing Seattle skyline. We looked for the restaurant from years ago, but discovered by googling it that it had closed.

People of all shapes and sizes were enjoying the pretty day, at the parks, biking, running and walking. Dogs were enjoying the beaches and frigid waters as owners tossed sticks for them.

To end our outing, we went into Pegasus Coffee down on the waterfront in Winslow. Sunday afternoon with a very loud band encouraged us to sit outside on the patio under the heaters, welcome warmth as the sun went over the yardarm.

For everyone who has grown blasé about their local surrounds, I can only encourage you to get out and about, look at things through a tourists eyes and you will be amazed at what you might find.