Granny Travels — Other Than Sticker Shock...

Other Than Sticker Shock...

Mexican Navy on the seawall

Mexican Navy on the seawall

Another country, another planet!

Initially, being here felt strange, probably just the time difference and jet lag. Now, it’s almost like I was never gone - until I go to buy anything and then I almost fall over backwards! Prices have skyrocketed these last couple of years. I knew things would be more expensive, but never imagined they would be so much higher than I anticipated! I can almost see my savings shrinking…

For instance, a chicken sandwich - not terrible fancy but at a nice restaurant was $18 (almost R250) which didn’t include a drink or tip! Coffee is around $4-5 (R55-60) so these prices are going to stifle my travels a bit. Gas is - for here - very expensive at the moment, but it’s actually right around the same price as in South Africa!

So far, I’ve not been adventuring out a lot, but certainly not isolating! We wear mask when we go out, but that requirement is going away June 15. But still being cautious as I’ve only had my first shot.

On The Water

Last Thursday, I went out on the race committee boat with Betsy and Barry (who are the race committee!). A beautiful evening and a great breeze for the 15 boats out. I didn’t have a big job - just raise and drop a flag when instructed! Then we returned to the Yacht Club, which was the moist crowded place I have been and it was all a bit overwhelming! It was a long-time member’s birthday, so there was a lot of meet and greets and cheers!

It’s interesting, after being so isolated for so long, with such limited interaction with anyone, it was really exhausting. I ended up sitting at the far end of a table and just watching! It was a relief to get home and to the peace and quiet. Those feelings will most likely ease up as I get out more and see more people.

Still Social Distancing

Walking along the LA River

Walking along the LA River

Generally, at least where I have been, people are still social distancing and wearing masks even though I think it’s 50% of the population is now vaccinated. And I think for most of the people I know, that will continue for a while. But things are definitely looking up and I feel for South Africa and the other countries that are lagging so far behind. South Africa has gone back to Level 2 as a 3rd wave is threatening, although they didn’t shut down the booze this time! And I wonder how long the wave will last and what else will get shut down - like flights!

I spent the weekend with Ryan in Sherman Oaks and it was wonderful to just hang out with him and catch up on life a bit. Because it was a long weekend, we decided not to go anywhere as it would have been a complete zoo! We walked along the Los Angeles River, which is a nice retreat from the hustle and bustle of the area, went out to lunch and ate under one of the many big umbrellas set up in the restaurant’s parking lot.

No Crazy Taxis

So far, driving on the wrong side of the road from the wrong side of the car has gone just fine! I haven’t screwed up yet and have been out on the freeways with no nasty incidents. It’s actually surprising how quickly my brain has switched over. Of course, even though the traffic isn’t as heavy as it used to be, it’s still pretty hairy at times and I do have to concentrate! But at least the drivers are a bit more predictable here than the crazy South Africans!

My new iPad is on order and I traded in my iPhone for the new iPhone 12 Pro Max which means I don’t need a “real” camera! But setting the phone up with the esim card is a mission. I thought it would make things easier than switching out sim cards. Maybe it’s just the company I got it through and maybe I will switch to ATT or Verizon. Or maybe I just have some settings wrong but it’s frustrating!

Starting Thursday for a week, I will be at Ryans (he will be in Nashville) then 10 days kitty sitting in Newport Beach before probably starting the trek north to Washington and Montana.