Granny Travels — Route 66 via 65

Route 66 via 65

2014-03-12 17.45.34

2014-03-12 17.45.34

What does that title mean?

Just that I am planning a trip along part of Route 66, something that I have wanted to do for eons. And that I will have just turned 65 the week before I leave. I am not doing the entire route, just part of California, Arizona and a section of New Mexico, before I turn north through Santa Fe to Colorado.

Originally, I had intended to go north from Los Angeles, through Las Vegas, Salt Lake City and over the top through Wyoming and down to Eaton, Colorado where I am headed to visit my BFF Susan. But when Ryan suggested going the southern route, and I discovered that US40 runs right along the old Mother Road, it didn't take much to persuade me to go that way. Obviously, it will take longer, but I don't have to be in CO any particular day, so can take my time, pottering along, taking pix, and enjoying the ride.

I went to AAA this morning, got real maps (nothing like real paper maps for planning), the tour books and the Route 66 book. I will also download one of the Route 66 apps for my iPhone.

There isn't a lot of time for preparation but my car will be serviced tomorrow, tires rotated etc. And I will have just about everything I own in the car with me as I head out on an epic road trip.

Another adventure! I hope you come along for the ride.