You’d think that after a whole day of touring we’d be wined out! But not us!
Off we went to Stettyn Cellar, a winery Biff and Julie had been wanting to visit and which is just 15km from their house.
It was a HOT day, in the 90s but clear as a bell. I think we were all feeling a bit slow after the hectic day before. I shouldn’t speak for the others but I know I was feeling very sluggish and the dry heat didn’t help!
Coming down the other side of the mountains that separate Villiersdorp from Stettyn, the view stretches for miles, taking in golden wheat fields, verdant green pastures, shimmering lakes and miles of vineyards. Breathtaking!
Stettyn is not on the tourist trail, or the college kid wine tasting trail either, thank goodness, and is relatively small and quiet. A couple of other people were there and we opted to sit out on the veranda where the breeze gave us some relief. The stuttering sprinkler on the lawn looked very inviting!
Two young women were our pourers and so began the fun! I loved all of the wines but Julie, fixed on the Sauvignon Blanc. This was not a normal tasting, or like any I had done before! Annaliene, who actually runs the tasting room has a heavy hand and kept the glasses full!
We decided right around then, that we had better eat and ordered a cheese platter. While we waited for the food, the heat got to us and we ended up playing under the sprinkler (fortunately the other guests had left by then!) and it helped cool us off, but did not slack our thirst!
The food arrived on an enormous serving tray, created from oak barrel staves and was loaded, and I mean really loaded, with local cheeses, meats, olives and preserves. It was a lifesaver as the wine glasses were never empty!
After almost four hours, we stumbled out of there with two cases of wine.
But that’s not the end of it…
It was Julie’s birthday a few days later and Zoze and I, after wracking our brains about what to get her, decided to take her and Biff there for lunch as we had had so much fun. After a false start, on a day when Annaliene was not there, and as she is the only one to do the cheese platters, we left and returned on another perfect day. A day that was a lot cooler and when we arrived, no other guests.
Not surprisingly, we were remembered and I must say, Julie had a lovely birthday lunch, a repeat of our first visit!
For anyone who travels out to that area, if you are a wine fundi, Stettyn is well-worth the visit. If you want to indulge with a cheese platter, be sure to call ahead and order.
Stettyn Cellars
GPS: 33°52'6.14"S 19°22'1.59"E
Phone: 023 340 4220