Granny Travels


Artsy Craftsy Outings


Poulsbo at nightThis area is known for its artists and there are numerous opportunities to check out their work. Recently, I had a very artsy weekend,  going to Gallery Walk in Poulsbo on Saturday evening then followed the Art in the Woods Trail around Kitsap County. I had company, two other grannies; Pam on Saturday and Susan on Sunday. burrata bistroGallery Walk in Poulsbo is every second Saturday of the month and as is the case with most of these walks, the galleries are open late and often have entertainment and serve wine and goodies! It's a lot of fun and amazing to see the talent in the area. From art photography to sculpture and blow glass and everything in between. Some I wouldn't consider art but as they say, art is in the eye of the beholder so there is definitely something for everyone.

After an arduous hour or so of wandering the galleries, Pam and I ended up at the delightful Burrata Bistro for a glass of wine.

The following day, Susan joined me for the Art in the Woods Studio Tour. We did it last year too, so this year chose a route that took us to new galleries. Our favorite was the Bob Kimball Design Studio. He creates amazing metal sculptures - some huge, some just the right size to hang on a wall. Check out my Steller story below. (You might need to refresh the page if Steller does't load.)

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Burrata Bistro 19006 Front Street Suite 100 Poulsbo, WA 98370 (360) 930-8446

A Little Adventure


laluna My friend Susan said I have to take the Granny part off my name because of a little incident, we experienced today coming home from a coffee break in town. This is what she wrote on Facebook:

"Driving us home today from an outing Poulsbo, Susan had a very close call at Termination Point. Susan exhibited such amazing driving skills. Some guy pulled out right in front of us and with no time to pick a different course, Susan punched it just enough that he went behind us. I fully expected an impact. There was a semi coming toward us on 104 and we would have been shoved into its path had the other driver hit us. Still shaking but really glad it was she who was driving. I am not sure if I could have pulled that off. Thanks, Susan! I think you need to pull the name "Granny" off of anything you are involved with. You are far from what most folks think of when they hear "Granny". Thanks from me and my husband, kiddos and grand-kids!"

It happened very fast and I really didn't think - just reacted! I know Susan was more shook up than I was. I'm just glad her little Honda Fit had the get up and go I needed to blast us out of the way!

But it's also good to know my reactions are still good - despite being a granny!

Our little adventure into Poulsbo was otherwise very pleasant, with a stroll along the main street and coffee at Hot Shots cafe. Poulsbo is a great little town to visit. It has a population of about 10,000 and has a very Scandinavian flavor. The streets are lined with Danish and Norwegian-style buildings and you can get the best pastries at the bakeries.

There are also a lot of art galleries and Gallery Walk is the second Saturday of each month, so I have "calendared" it for the next one in 10 days. Should be a fun outing. I've been to the Port Townsend Gallery Walk (on the first Saturday of each month) but never gone to Poulsbo's.

The town is right on Liberty Bay and the marina is large and a popular place for boaters in the summer. In the winter, the docks are fairly empty but it is one of the few places that still has boat houses.

Poulsbo is also easily accessible from Seattle. You can come across on the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island, then just a short 20 minute drive, over Agate Pass to town. Or the ferry to Bremerton and then up Hwy 3 about 20 minutes. Or... you can drive around through Tacoma, over the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, through Gig Harbor. About an hour and half depending on traffic.

Today, I talked to my sister in New Zealand on Skype. It was really hard not to say anything! And she doesn't have a clue, so we are doing a good job keeping the secret!.