Granny Travels


Girls on Board with Acorelle


Acorelle Parfum Roll-OnWhen Betsy and I were planning the Moorings sailing trip to Belize, we thought it would be fun, seeing as our crew was to be all women, that it would be fun to have some girlie stuff on board. Among the goodies we packed along with us were delightful, all natural perfumes from the French company, Acorelle. [su_pullquote]Acorelle perfumes are crafted under the principal of olfactology, thanks to the essential oils which act on the cycle emotional sphere of the brain to restore balance and harmony, for more well-being.[/su_pullquote]

I don't wear perfume much as I really try to keep away from all the synthetics and chemicals that are usually loaded into them. And so many people are allergic to

Acorelle Eau De Parfum

perfumes so to be an enclosed area and be responsible for someone's sneezing and wheezing is not something I want to do.

On reading about Acorelle products, I was thrilled to find out that they are all created from natural active agents from readily-available organic sources, and based on aromatherapy principles. To maintain the Ecocert certification, the products must all be manufactured in a responsible, sustainable way, another plus in my mind.

As we travel so much, I was particularly interested in the Parfum Roll-on. So handy to slip into a purse for those long flights.

When the products arrived, first of all I was very impressed with the lovely packaging. Simple, colorful - and minimal, so they were easy to pack for the trip. And then, of course, I had to try them out! I love how the perfumes are based on aromatherapy and categorized into energizing (Dynamisant), balancing (Equilibrant) and soothing (Apaisant). The Perfume Discovery pack has 9 different 1.5ml tiny spray vials. I zeroed in on the Absolu Tiare, to remind of Tahiti! But over the following days, I tried out all the different scents, finding my favorites. The Tiare remains my favorite, and Betsy went for the Patchouli Roll-on, which reminded me too much of the 60s!

Beauty Evening On Board

Lu Ann and Katie testing the Acorelle perfumes.

It was a beautiful, tropical evening in Belize and we had plans to go ashore for dinner. The perfect time to try our Acorelle!

The samples were handed around, with all nine of us selecting, trying and then choosing a different scent! The main comments were about how natural they smelled and when the ladies learned more about the company and how only natural and organic ingredients are used, they were very complimentary.

I left the Discovery out for the duration of the trip and by the end, almost all the vials were gone! Secreted in various duffle bags!

Back home, I did a "blind test" with an unsuspecting friend who is very sensitive to scents and perfumes. I used a liberal amount of Fleur de Vanille (Vanilla Blossom) on a day trip. As I didn't get any kickback after a whole day in the car, I asked her if she had noticed that I was wearing perfume. She looked surprised but said she hadn't noticed! Obviously, the natural ingredients hadn't bothered her sensitive nose!

[su_box title="The three pillars of Acorelle" box_color="#f9c5c5" title_color="#990808"]The three pillars of Acorelle:

• Aromatherapy: The power of essential oils is used in every formulation so that none of the plants’ energy is lost. The result is effective products with concentrated active agents from plant sources.

• Body: Nature has given every woman one unique body for her whole life. Acorelle creates beauty products that are adapted to the different rhythms in a constant quest for balance and harmony.

• Woman: Acorelle responds to women's needs by tackling specific problems, linked to the cycles of life and the seasons: fragrances, hair removal, baby products, care for first fine lines.[/su_box]

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