Granny Travels


Just Because I Don't Live There...

Just Because I Don't Live There...

Just because I don’t live there doesn’t mean these past few weeks haven’t been extremely stressful! I’m tired of people asking me what the hell is going on in the States? Asking how can that awful person be President? And what is wrong with Americans? And I’ve been ashamed of admitting to being an American, even though I’ve detested the man and certainly never voted for him.

My African Adventures

My African Adventures

As I head towards the end of my fourth month here in South Africa, I still haven’t made a determination on whether I stay or leave. But have decided to do as much with my time here as I can afford! So one “adventure” a week is in the plans and this week managed two excursions; one to the Markets on Warwick where I’ve wanted to go for ages and the other up to Stocklands Farm to see my sister-in-law and do a little Meandering in the Midlands.