Granny Travels




Dosusananas and Mardelle in the middle. Life changes and relationship issues aren't just for the young, they can, and do, happen at any age. So for Susan life is in the process of turning upside down, with her trying to release old behaviors and move her relationship on to a new level - but obviously with a lot of resistance. So for a while, I have a new roomie. Which is fun for me and I think, good for her while she figures things out.

But it is especially hard as it was her birthday we were celebrating last night! Well, this was last night and her birthday is today - so she woke up, alone (except for a kitty) not at home and not with her husband of more than 40 years.

But we made the best of it, as birthdays are always a reason to celebrate and that's what three grannies did last night. And although it wasn't a new adventure, it was a an experience! We went to our favorite little bistro, Alchemy, and I had my favorite tequila gimlet.

Lime in the tequila gimlet.

I don't know why I love tequila so much! But it does remind me of a certain party at an old Chinese restaurant in Newport Beach called The Stag. (I just googled it and it is still there, 40 years later!) We had been back from Tahiti a couple of year but when the Bali Hai Boys showed up, it was party time! Villi Vala, a wonderful old (even then) guitar player and singer was there and as usual, played the Tahitian music I love. Being young and agile as I was, hopped on the table and dance the tamure! Fueled by tequila!

Well, anyway...

Back to Granny Susu's adventurous life!

Secretive planning continues for my New Zealand trip. But in the meantime. it looks like I won't go sailing on San Francisco Bay in April. Partly due to financial constraints and partly because there is the opportunity of a lucrative position in the offing! Doing what I do best as a managing editor. So...

One thing I have learned is that I need to stay flexible (both physically and mentally!) so that is what I am doing!

Monday is my birthday and it is the start of a wonderful new year.