Granny Travels


The Grinch That Stole My Christmas

The Grinch That Stole My Christmas

What can I say? Other than a string of expletives that would probably get me banned!

First of all; No, I DO NOT have Covid. But apparently, according to the SA Covid Alert app, I was exposed to someone (anonymous) who has reportedly tested positive so I have to quarantine for 10 days from the exposure date, which was 19th December. As I was just alerted yesterday, I only have 6 days to go.

Happy Hols From South Africa

Happy Hols From South Africa

Christmas Day is just around the corner and for me, it’s going to be a very mellow time. The whole thing is so much more low key here than in the States, much more my style. Although the consumerism is becoming more prevalent than it used to be, it’s still not the overblown, over-hyped holiday it is there.