Granny Travels


Never Lose Anything Again

Dynotags are a Cool Way to Label Your Stuff

luggage-tag-on-cardSometimes you don't even have to leave home to have an adventure! My latest excitement is what I found during my recent internet "travels."

I just discovered these very cool QR-enabled tags called Dynotags that you can attach to all nature of things, so you never lose anything again. (And who hasn't lost a bag when traveling, or left your keys somewhere when someone else was driving? And not because you are in the granny/grandpa bracket, either!)

Dynotags have your unique QR code on them so anyone with a smartphone (or computer because there is a unique web site address too) can scan your code and all the pertinent info pops up, like your name and phone number so your belongings can be returned to you.

How cool is that!

dynotag pet tag

One of the best uses, I think, is the one they have for pets. You know what it's like when you see a lost dog running around on the street. You call him over (and hopefully the pooch isn't too freaked) and look at the collar and see - a license and not much else, which is really no help at all. But with a Dynotag on the collar, you simply whip out your phone, scan the code and call the owner immediately. Done deal. Dog goes home happy and safe, owners thrilled and the poor animal doesn't have to spend time in at the lost and found, waiting to be rescued.

There are various styles, like the medic alert-type, which is very cool, as first responders can scan the code and immediately have access to whatever information you would want someone like that to have. Such as: allergies, medications you take, your doctor's contact info and naturally, you emergency contact. You decide what is visible to the scanner and all your other info is kept private.

The uses for these smart codes is endless, really! I keep thinking of ways they can be used. The stickers can be used on phones, computers and there are even special ones for sports equipment. So when you have a lousy golf shot and toss the offending club into the weeds and walk off the course, whoever finds it can scan the code on the shank and your temper tantrum is discovered! Ha!

I am so taken by these (I LOVE technology) that I have added a couple to my eBay store, so check it out and help fund Granny Susu's travels!