Granny Travels


Granny Susu has been lagging


lavender-tub The last few months have taken me away from this blog. Sometimes life gets in the way of what I would prefer to be doing and that's what happened. But I'm back and will post more frequently, bringing in some of my trips and getaways from the last few months.

I just needed a little kick in the pants to get me going again - and the possibility of a family reunion in Australia next year was just the motivation I need to get me posting again. The family - my two brothers and spouses from South Africa, my sister from New Zealand and myself from the U.S are hoping to meet up in Brisbane, where I have three nieces and a nephew, plus their numerous offspring! So you can look forward to some international postings in the future.

Plus there is the possibility of a Belize trip in the not too distant future. It's been 15 years since I was there; so taken with the place, I rented a tiny shack and was ready to move there but once again, life here in the U.S got in the way and I didn't take the leap. It was the early days of blogging and Go Left at the Mango Tree was one of my first.

I haven't been totally lagging, though as I have been having fun with my iPhone 6+ and all the associated apps, one in particular called Steller which I love! Plus writing a couple of articles for our local rag has kept me busy.