Granny Travels

last day

The Endless Estrogen Chronicles Part 6

We Hoped for a Breeze

The Endless Estrogen crew

The Endless Estrogen crew

Not that I'm complaining! But we haven't had a breeze the entire time out here! The weather reports have consistently said 10-15 knots of breeze but they never materialized! But the weather has cooperated in every other way - sunny, warm, clear, no rain! But also no wind, which is sad as we came to go sailing! Hence a sailboat!

Fortunately, even though we had a couple of gung-ho sailors aboard, no one was really put out by the lack of wind. We just took advantage of the still waters for great snorkeling and peaceful nights!

Off to Wippari Caye

Toes up!

Toes up!

This will be our last anchorage on the trip, just a couple of hours out from Placencia. But first we need to make our way back through the coral mine field, back through the Blue Ground Range and out to the main channel. After a picture-perfect anchor retrieval from our picture-perfect anchorage, we once again made sure our lookouts were stationed on the bow and off we went. Having traversed this tricky area once, it wasn't quite as hairy going back, but we didn't let down our guards!

It was all pleasantly uneventful and we picked up one of the two buoys at Wippari Caye, just before several other boats came cruising into the anchorage. Score! Betsy decided we should go into shore immediately and pay for the mooring, to secure our spot. Which proved to be unnecessary, as the buoys are not owned by the island owner!

Wippari is a private island that occasionally serves a beer and dinner. That was not to be the case this evening. Restaurant and bar were closed to the public. Too bad, but Dustin at Hideaway Caye had warned that this was a distinct possibility, so it was dinner on board, with the sense of inevitability that our cruise was coming to an end. I didn't want to think of that at all!

It was a very warm, still night and this was the one time we ran the air conditioning, although I remained outside in my preferred sleeping location! Everyone was up early on the last day, (but not early enough to see an amazing sunrise) busy packing up and sorting through snorkels and goggles and other stuff that had accumulated! Bunks stripped, cushions replaced, bags packed, everyone ready as we made our slow way up the narrow inside channel and called Mooring base to "come and get us." They are required to bring the boat into the slip, although Betsy, tongue in cheek, told Diego she would do it! He declined the offer!

Endless Estrogen on the mooring at Wippari Caye

Endless Estrogen on the mooring at Wippari Caye

Four of the crew would be stepping off the boat as soon as we arrived in the marina and into a taxi for a flight out. The rest of us had time, once we completed the checkout, to go across the street to Laru Beya for a quick lunch before the shuttle would pick us up to head into the jungle for the second part of the big adventure.

There were big hugs all around, and promises of reunions and "Let's do it again" pleas! (Stay tuned for that one!) And then they were gone.

9 Women on a Boat for a Week

We were 9 women ranging from 43 to 67, from disparate backgrounds. Some married or in relationships, a couple of grandmas, a couple never married and happy about it. And guess what? Everything was copacetic from the very beginning. In all that time, I never heard a harsh word, criticism, snide remark, nothing. Everyone chipped in to do what needed to be done. Private space and time was honored and the mood was comfortable and friendly throughout the entire trip! What a great bunch of ladies!

I don't want to get all feminist about this, but really! Would it have been the same if it was an all-male crew? Or even if it was a mixed crew? Just sayin'....

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5