Last time I wrote, we were waiting for results. We have them now, accepted by sane people but by others…well, we move on. They “don’t matter” as Anderson Cooper says.
But of course, things are still really miserable in the States, from what I am seeing in the news and hearing. We are fortunate here in South Africa, and pretty much the rest of Africa, to have not been hit so hard by the pandemic. Just last week, the last of the restrictions were lifted. That doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is under control here. But if all we did was read the statistics, we’d be in good shape.
But “they” have made the decision that saving the economy is the most important thing and are pleading with people not to let their guard down and to continue to observe all the precautions, masks, social distancing etc. The country simply cannot afford to remain shut down; our population is suffering too much. With unemployment hitting the 40% mark, and very little government support, people are truly suffering. Everything has been opened up, including flights from everywhere and anywhere, which is a bit scary, considering the high infection rates in the States and Europe.
But it also brings hope that more people can go back to work and…with flights open, Ryan may be able to come for a visit, provided he will be able to get back into California!
So we have to play it by ear, in that regard.
But for me, life is pretty “normal” except for having to wear a mask when out in congested areas like grocery stores. The places I tend to go are all outside or have outside seating, so being in closed areas hardly ever happens. It does put a dent in any sort of celebration, like Christmas and New Year, but both those are pretty much non-events for me anyway.
Last weekend, I helped at the Market Day at Woza Moya. Early on, I was one of the pairs of “eyes” on the clientele in the used clothing department! Then helped on the marked down jewelery stand. The market was apparently very successful and appreciated as funds are always needed to keep them going.
Today, Mick and Debbie invited me to go with them on a pretty cool adventure. There’s a project called Rephotosa going on that has old photos of places all over the country and the mission is to identify and reproduce the image as it appears in modern times. The aim is to document change in South Africa. So they had identified where they thought one of the images was, and we set off to find the spot.
It was quite a hike up the hill to find the right angle to shoot from, but I think it was successful! There are very specific parameters around taking the photo but I think it turned out well. It’s a real mission on some of the old photos to find where they were taken; a lot of sleuthing involved and I’m planning to look at my zone to see if there are any areas that I even faintly recognize!
Being in gardens was great, hence all the flower pix. Enjoy!