Granny Travels — First Leg is the Hardest

First Leg is the Hardest

Ready to hit the road.
Ready to hit the road.

I think the first leg is the hardest! On this trip, it is one of the shortest but it was all that led up to it, that made it hard!

Just three months ago, I made the definite decision to leavePort Ludlow and probably the U.S. as well. I swore I would NOT do another winter in Washington. I also felt that if I didn't get out of the house, I would die, literally. And I know that is difficult for people who are new to the house and location, which for many is absolutely gorgeous, to understand how I can walk away. For me it was an anchor and a trap from which I had to escape.


Although it has been extremely trying, with decisions along the way that were not easy, it all came together amazingly easily. It felt as if once I made up my mind and made the big decisions - let the house go and find a home for my kitty boys - avenues opened and opportunities presented themselves to me.

So despite the huge amount of work it took to get the house cleared out and just about everything I own discarded/rehomed/donated/sold I managed to get myself on the first flight yesterday.

Susan and Rascal
Susan and Rascal

Of course, I couldn't have done it without Ryan's constant encouragement and my Washington ladies who helped with garage sales, words of encouragement and moral support when I was really slowing down and wondering what the hell I was doing!

And the most important thing, finding the perfect home for Hinckley and Buddy was crucial. Maria is a gem and it took less than a week for the boys, especially Buddy, to switch their allegiance! Bittersweet, but exactly what needed to happen. I saw them several times before I left, but it was very obvious that they had moved on and that I must too.

So here I am in Southern California, basking by the pool with Rascal (Ryan's Jack Russell) and enjoying the sun and warmth before leaving on Sunday for the next leg, the long one from here to South Africa. I leave Sunday night and Mick picks me up around 1:30 PM on Tuesday. Way too many flying hours to contemplate. So I won't!