Granny Travels — Three Days and Counting

Three Days and Counting

A stormy, wild ride on the ferry to Whidbey Island
A stormy, wild ride on the ferry to Whidbey Island

With just three days left here in the Pacific Northwest, and when scanning Jim and Mardelle's downstairs apartment where I have been roosting since I left my house, I think I am going to meet my goal of walking out of this old life with one suitcase and a backpack.

It IS a BIG suitcase, but still, when I think of all the stuff I had, way more than I had a clue about, I think I am doing a good job! Piles of clothes have gone to the Goodwill, food distributed to friends (who else understands you can't throw a half-finished bag of rice away?), same with cleaning supplies! So now I am not tripping over boxes and bags and can contemplate my future and the adventures that lie ahead!

Short Day Trip

Tasting at Cultus Bay Distillery
Tasting at Cultus Bay Distillery

I did take a short road-trip yesterday over to Whidbey Island to visit Cultus Bay Distillery for American Distilling Institute (ADI) to do a short profile on them. What fun! Kathy and Harry are 73 and 74 respectively, and have converted their old boathouse into a tiny (nano) distillery! With a custom-designed still that they soldered together themselves, with the help of an engineering friend, just this month they bottled their first gin called Mortal Gin (they are both Catholic!), which I must say, is delicious.

Mortal Gin Gimlet
Mortal Gin Gimlet

And what fun people, too. They took me to lunch at the Useless Bay Golf and Country Club where I had absolutely the best fish and chips I have had since New Zealand's "fush and chups." Accompanying it was an excellent gimlet made with Mortal Gin!

The ferry rides to Whidbey, over and back were quite exciting as the weather was marginal - no surprise for November. Going over it was blowing a hoolie, and coming back was like riding a bucking bronco! And we saw a pod of orcas off the port side, but not close enough to get pictures. I took that as a good sign, as in all the years I have been here, riding the ferries, I have never had a sighting. I think they were saying goodbye!

Back in Port Townsend and heading back to J&M's, I noticed that Admiralty Distillers had a tasting sign up and as I have been meaning to go by, did a completely illegal u-turn on Sims Way and went for a quick visit with Jake, the owner. His is a one-man show with help from friends. Jake's main product is marc brandy, or grappa and I was treated to a tasting! Plus a taste of the Pennant Gin. I'm afraid it is going to take some doing to change my allegiance from gin to other spirits, but I will certainly give it a try!

Cultus Bay Distillery 8311 Sandy Hook Dr Clinton, WA tel: 360-579-5632

Admiralty Distillers 820 Lake St Port Townsend, WA 98368 tel: 360-643-3530