Granny Travels

social isolation

Locked Down in South Africa

Locked Down in South Africa


This is when I’m really grateful for all the electronics and messaging systems we have available!

It’s pretty much the only way to keep in contact with anyone during the South African COVID-19 lockdown, and being on my own, it’s super important that I keep in contact and know that if one messaging system isn’t connecting, I have four others to try!

Life in South Africa Under COVID-19

Life in South Africa Under COVID-19

One of the main reasons I had made the decision to not make South Africa my permanent home is the the sense of isolation and distance from family and friends in the US. Just knowing how far it is and how long it takes to go back and forth between the two locations was what clinched that deal. I was so afraid of getting stuck here.

And now, here I am under COVID-19 rules, with no idea how long I will stay.