It looks like if I want to be vaccinated within this year, I need to get back to the States. My plan was to go back around June for 3 months anyway, and any notion of getting a shot before I left here has evaporated.
It’s mind boggling how in disarray this country is. Mostly I keep my head down and don’t get into the politics here; there’s enough going on in the US to then have to try to keep track of the s**t going down here. The corruption that has become a hallmark of this government is still in full swing, even with a president most people had high hopes for. But combatting the evil and chaos created by Zuma is a thankless task which seems to be going nowhere.
In some ways, the infighting and disruptions remind me of the Trump years! (I always said Trump and Zuma are brothers with a different mother) I used to be able to say, “Well, at least in the States, people aren’t storming and ransacking buildings!” Now that is no longer true, but I have high hopes for Biden.
With Easter just around the corner, we are being threatened with an increased lockdown level - again. When I heard the rumblings last week, I went and stocked up on gin and rum! Not going to get caught short again and it’s just about my only consistent pleasure these days.
As you know, when I came over here 18 months ago (!!!!), my plan was to look at the country as a place to live, as the US is financially out of my reach. I’d decided that the only way to find out was to live as a local, not as a tourist, which I did. Then the pandemic hit and along with it came a whole lot of soul searching.
Originally in a granny flat with an unpleasant landlady, then at Mick and Debbie’s after high-tailing it out of the flat and then, after a couple of months, into the place I am now, during the first few months of lockdown, I figured this country could work for me. I had high hopes of spending time with old school friends, volunteering in order to meet new people, visiting different parts of the country and on and on.
But as the lockdowns go on and on, the isolation and lack of social interaction is really wearing on me. It feels a lot like when I was stuck in the house on the canal in Washington. And it’s painfully obvious that the majority of my friends are very entrenched in the their ways of life and really are not interested in bringing new people in. They don’t seem to be open to new experiences, but are content to stay in the same patterns. Which is fine for them as they seem to be happy.
I believe a lot of that is about how we age and how we view aging. So many people seem to “think old” and it’s something I have always resisted. I don’t want to talk about or hear about everyone’s ailments and most recent surgeries. I’m sure their grandkids are the most spectacular in the world, but it’s tiresome when they are the only source of conversations.
And I can see how if this lockdown continues on for too much longer and I am forced to stay in this situation, I could easily slip into “old” thinking. I miss being around young, or at least younger people as I think they keep you from getting into old thinking. So many of the youngsters have left this country, as for the majority there is little opportunity here, with unemployment almost 40%…
So now comes the planning to go back for a few months and I think (am hoping) we will have enough miles rewards from the underwear biz so I can fly business class - all the way, all 30 hours! That will definitely be a first and make it so much easier, and not so exhausting.
In the meantime…
Last weekend I went on a “nature walk” into a gorgeous area about half an hour from here. We went in a small group and our horticulturist guru, Alison, somehow spots the most amazing and often minute flowers! 360-degree spectacular views, with flat top “table mountains” as far as you could see. We didn’t hike up to the top of the hill, took the easy way out in 4x4s. Back down Ingomankulu Mountain, (Singing Mountain) had a great lunch at Wynnifred’s, a cute cafe on a local farm. It’s extremely popular, with outdoor seating as well as limited indoor as well. Apparently, the pandemic hasn’t hurt them at all, with reservations required as far out as 2 weeks! So good to see someone doing well in amongst all the closings.
This weekend, provided it doesn’t pour like it did all day today, a lot of the local Conservancies are open for self guided or guided tours. I’ll go on my own as no one took me up on the invitation. (See my comments above.)